    【 編者按 】
        40 years ago, in 1978, the 5,000-year-old China, the world's most populous country, opened its doors to the world and opened its arms. 40 years later, in this ancient land, this long-established nation has undergone earth-shaking changes.
        Over the past 40 years, more and more foreigners have entered this magical land, saw the country and saw her people.Today, let these foreigners who have seen China personally use their eyes and use their voices to tell their stories in China and their real feelings.

英國國際發(fā)展部國務大臣麥克·貝茨勛爵(Lord Michael Bates,Minister of State at the Department for International Development)

韓國希杰集團中國區(qū)總裁樸根太(Park Genta, CEO of Korea CJ Group in China, CEO of CJ Korea Express)

日本松山芭蕾舞團總代表清水哲太郎(Taro Shimizu, General Representative of Matsuyama Ballet, Japan)

澳大利亞格里菲斯大學榮譽教授馬克林(Colin Mackerras,Emeritus Professor at Griffith University)

中國女婿史蒂文“大頭”(Steven Greig,Australian Entrepreneur,Chinese son-in-law)

韓國人氣模特兼主持人YURA(YURA,Korean popular model and host)

韓國最大漢語培訓機構負責人池圣彥(Chi Shengyan, the head of CHINADA, Korea's largest Chinese language training institution)

韓國人氣博主韓國東東(Korean Dongdong ,South Korean popular blogger)

麥考瑞國際事務負責人尼克(Nicole Brigg, Pro Vice-Chancellor International of Macquarie University)

溫海林, 悉尼中文導游(Justin Steele ,Mandarin tour guide in Sydney)

韓國《中央日報》評論員張世政(Zhang Shizheng, Commentary Member of Korean Central Daily)

聯(lián)合國前秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon,the former United Nations Secretary-General)

郭惟,現(xiàn)就讀于莫斯科國立國際關系學院(Victoria Sukhomlinova, studying at the Moscow National Institute of International Relations)

克里·布朗,倫敦國王學院中國研究中心院長(Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Politics; Director of Lau China Institute)

基思·貝內(nèi)特,英國四十八家集團俱樂部副主席(Keith Bennett, Vice Chairman of 48 Group Club)

拉納·米特,現(xiàn)任牛津大學現(xiàn)代中國歷史與政治教授(Rana Mitter,Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China of Oxford)

貝森·恩格爾布雷希特,南非Horrah電商網(wǎng)站首席執(zhí)行官兼創(chuàng)始人(Basson Engelbrecht, CEO of Hoorah webside)

周儒本,英國人,商務總監(jiān)(Joel Reuben, Commercial Director, Hampton Group)

斯蒂芬·佩里,英國48家集團俱樂部主席(Stephen Perry, Chairman of 48 Group Club)

飯塚容,日本著名漢學家,日本中央大學文學部教授(Iizuka Yutori, Professor,Department of Literature,Central University of Japan)


專題策劃:金煜純 韓慶 苗露露   |   專題制作:嚴遠   |   題圖設計:王文娟   |   視頻編輯:鄔迪 陸雪苑   |   責任編輯:軒召強 嚴遠